31.0 Subdivision Applicantions


  • Health Act 1911
  • Health (Treatment of Sewage and Disposal of Effluent and Liquid Waste) Regulations 1974
  • Contaminated Sites Regulations 2006
  • Environmental Protection Act 1986
  • Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997


Summary Information

Subdivision applications involve two stages; receiving the proposal and providing conditions; and clearing the conditions once they have been complied with. Sites that are not connected to sewer must be assessed to comply with the relevant sewerage policy and suitability of the lots for effluent disposal, whereas sewered sites may require the decommissioning of existing effluent disposal systems. Sites where an initial investigation indicates that there are challenges regarding onsite effluent disposal may require the submission of a geotechnical report. Contaminated sites may require clearance certificates following remediation works.

Process Flow Chart

Example Forms